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Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
May 21, 2019
Plan your dreams... but do it in pencil!
The thumb print ink is bright red as it sinks into the paper, sealing the deal for the next 5 years. After we have both submitted our...

Larry Mckenzie-Thane
Sep 28, 2018
Do you say hello or ask how they feel?
"How are you?" A greeting thats asked by millions of us every day, but what does it mean? Is it even a question that is supposed to be...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
Sep 3, 2018
What if, there is nothing to forgive?
So a thought came out of my mouth the other day as I was sharing something with an inspiring retreat group: “What if, there is nothing to...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
May 17, 2018
Mount Agung... I Love You!
The cause of my emotional rollercoaster has finally gone back to sleep... or has he? So it’s no secret any more that on the Indonesian...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
Feb 26, 2018
Your eyes may be open...
Sometimes we forget how to be still. We get so caught up in moving, working, partying, or whatever else keeps us busy and distracted that...

Larry Mckenzie-Thane
Sep 9, 2017
Other ways of asking "How are you?"
How are you doing? How have you been? What’s sizzling? How do you do? Howdy! (This is actually an informal greeting that is short for...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
Jul 10, 2017
The Naked Truth!
Let's have a conversation, a connection of minds, right here, right now. Let's be real, raw, honest and unafraid to share our naked...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
Aug 11, 2016
Ngadas Village in Malang, Java
As the clouds rolled in and the crowds rolled out, we stayed. There was a sense of stillness among the six of us who were left, a sense...

Sarah Mckenzie-Thane
Apr 19, 2016
Making a new friend
Spending time in nature really brings me back to my true nature of peace and connection to the earth and to myself. That connection...
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